2 - 5 April, 2019 | 3 - 10 pm
For the fifth year in a row, USMEF and its Representative Agri Marketing participated in Horeca Lebanon - a key business meeting place for the hospitality and food-service sectors. USMEF presented a wide array of chilled and frozen U.S. beef cuts from four Lebanese distributors and their corresponding U.S. suppliers. Visitors had the opportunity to explore the products and services of U.S. beef suppliers and their local distributors during the four-day event. With no exception, buyers were impressed with the variety of middle meats and alternative cuts displayed in the chiller and freezer. Brisket and Tomahawk sparked interest in people and grabbed their attention. U.S. beef quality legacy was exhibited during Horeca 2019 along with the incredible tenderness that characterizes its steaks, the intense flavor and on-trend cuts originating from cattle finished on grain to hundreds of trade and culinary professionals from Lebanon and the region.
Event date:
April 2, 2019
Event location:
Location name:
Seaside Arena
Location address:
Beirut, Lebanon