The U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) is a nonprofit trade association working to
create new opportunities and develop existing international markets
for U.S. meat products. USMEF represents the U.S. red meat industry and has an extensive
presence in vital markets such as the Middle East region.
Headquartered in Denver, USMEF has a worldwide network of offices and a series of
partnerships which enabled U.S. companies and U.S. products to become integral parts of
international red meat markets. USMEF also has special market representatives covering China,
the Middle East, Central and South America and the Caribbean.
USMEF shares its local intelligence and more than three decades of experience
with U.S. exporters, traders and buyers in addition to end users and
processors in each market. As high-quality U.S. beef has taken a lead position
in international markets, exports play a more prominent
role in industry growth and prosperity.
USMEF has nine distinct sectors representing the entire U.S. production, processing
and distribution system. Allied industries are also active on
the USMEF Board of Directors. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA),
exporting companies and the beef, corn and soybean check-off programs support USMEF.
USMEF Headquarters / Denver